( Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and
requirement of Specification MIL-A-8625.
publications required by contractors in connection with
The spline ends of MS24314 joints shall be
specific procurement functions should be obtained from
phosphate coated in accordance with Type I. of
the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting
officer. )
Specification MIL-C-16232.
3.3.6 Lubrication. Unless otherwise speci-
2.2 Other publications. The following
fied, the bearings of the joints shall be lubricated
document forms a part of this specification.
with grease conforming to Specification MIL-
Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect
G-3278. Relubrication of the bearings shall be
on date of invitation for bids shall apply.
provided for by utilizing lubricator fittings con-
NAS 516-Fittings-Lubricator
forming to Standard NAS 516. Adequate seal-
Drive, Flush Type
ing for lubricant retention and prevention of
( Copies of NAS publications may he obtained from
contamination shall be provided.
Aircraft Industries Association of American Inc., 610
3.4 Performance.
Shoreham Building, Washington 5, D.C.)
3.4.1 Angularity. The joints shall be oper-
able to an angle of not less than 25 degrees
measured between the axis of the hubs.
3.1 Preproduction sample. Prior to be-
3.4.2 Tightness. The moment of force re-
ginning quantity production, preproduction
quired to move one end of the joint through a
samples shall be subjected to preproduction test-
minimum angle of 25 degrees shall be no more
ing (see 4.2.1 and 6.2).
than 1.0 pound-inch.
3.2 Materials. The materials used in the
3.4.3 Torsional, end, and side play. The
manufacture of anti-friction bearing universal
torsional play in the joint shall be no more than
joints and flange hubs shall be of the highest
the pertinent limit shown in table I. Maximum
quality and entirely suitable for the purpose.
end and side play shall be 0.0024 and 0.0056
The material shall be open-hearth or electric-
inch, respectively.
furnace process steel.
3.4.4 Axial load. The joints shall support
3.2.1 Material defects. Steels shall be free
the axial tensile and axial compressive loads,
from pipes, cracks, seams, inclusions, or other
as shown in table I, for 30 seconds (with angle
discontinuities detrimental to the operation or
A as shown on figure 1 equal to zero) without
life expectancy of the parts (see 4.4.2.).
tightness in excess of the specified limit (3.4.2),
3.3 Design and construction.
after the load is removed. The flange hubs
3.3.1 Dimensions and weights. Dimensions
shall support the specified axial tensile loads
and weights shall be as specified in Standards
without permanent deformation.
MS24312, MS24313, MS24314, MS24315, and
3.4.5 Maximum static torque. The joints
and the flange hubs shall withstand the maxi-
3.3.2 Assembly. The joints shall be as-
mum static torque shown in table I without
sembled with cross assembly and bearings locked
structural failure of the specimen.
into place to prevent disassembly of the finished
3.4.6 Strength and endurance. The fatigue
strength and endurance life of the joints shall
3.3.3 Hardness. The hub section of the
be such that they will satisfactorily withstand
joints and flange hubs shall not exceed a Rock-
the tests specified in 4.4.10 and 4.4.11.
well Hardness of C-40.
3.4.7 Friction torque, The friction torque
3.3.4 Plating. Unless otherwise specified,
in the joints during operation at lowered tem-
all external steel parts of the joint or flange
peratures shall be no greater than 2 pound-
hubs, except the spline end of MS24314 joints,
inches in a test specimen made up as shown in
shall be cadmium plated in accordance with
figure 2 and tested in accordance with 4.4.12.
Specification QQ-P-416, Type I, Class 2. All
external aluminum parts of the joint or flange
3.5 Identification of product Each joint
hub shall be anodized in accordance with the
shall be marked in accordance with Standard
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