4.2.2 Tests. All joints and flanges sub-
4.3.3 Sampling. Sample universal joints
mitted for test shall be examined for conform-
shall be selected in accordance with Standard
ance to the applicable MS standard. In addi-
MIL-STD-105 at Inspection level II. Each
tion, universal joints shall be subjected to all
sample shall be inspected in accordance with
4.3.1 and lots shall be accepted or rejected in
the tests specified under "Test methods" (4.4).
Flange hubs shall be subjected to the tests
accordance with AQL (Acceptable Quality
Level) 1.0 percent defective.
specified in 4.4.8 and 4.4.9 only.
4.2.3 Preproduction test report. After the Lot. The lot definition, formation,
completion of Preproduction Tests. the con-
and size shall be in accordance with Standard
tractor shall furnish to the procuring activity
4.4 Test methods.
three complete copies of a test report containing
all test results. The report shall also include
4.4.1 Hardness. Hardness tests shall be
conducted on samples in accordance with Meth-
part numbers of samples, detailed information
od 243 of Federal Test Method Standard No.
on materials, heat treatment, finish and lubri-
cation, and a complete set of detail and assembly
151. Tests shall be made at or near the point
of "end" arrows on figure 1.
4.4.2 Material defects. Component parts
4.3 Acceptance tests. The Acceptance
tests of universal joints and individual com-
shall be inspected in accordance with Specifi-
cation MIL-I-68683.
ponent parts shall be as follows.
4.4.3 Plating. With the exception of the
4.3.1 Universal joints. Universal joints
shall be examined for conformance to the re-
spline ends of Standard MS24314, all external
quirements of this specification and applicable
steel parts shall be tested for plating in accord-
ance with Specification QQ-P-416, Type I,
MS standards as to:
(a) Dimensions and weights (3.3.1)
Class 2. Excepted spline ends shall be tested
(b) Assembly (3.3.2)
in accordance with Specification MIL-C-16232,
(c) Lubrication (3.3.5)
Type I. All external aluminum parts shall be
(d) Angularity (3.4.1)
tested for conformance with Specification
(e) Tightness (3.4.2)
MII&A-8625. Two joints of each MS size
(f) Identification of product (3.5)
submitted shall be tested.
4.4.4 Lubrication. Lubricant shall be
(g) Workmanship (3.6)
4.3.2 Individual component parts. Indi-
tested for conformance with Specification MIL-
vidual component parts shall be inspected for
G-3278. Tests shall be made on two joints.
and Material defects
Hardness (4.4.1)
4.4.5 Tightness and angularity. The mo-
(4.4.2), as described under "Test methods"
ment of force required to move one end of the
(4.4), after heat treatment and prior to assem-
joint in a horizontal plane through the mini-
bling of the items by the manufacturer.
mum angle of 25 degrees shall be measured with
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