package. Joints, preserved and packaged to
screen, U.S. Standard Sieve Series
meet 5.1.1, shall be packaged in containers meet-
(e) Chemical analysis of the dust shall be
ing Specification MIL-B-4229 or PPP-B-636.
as follows:
Unless otherwise specified by the procuring
Percent by weight
activity, the quantity of unit packages to be
------------------------ 97 to 99
included in each intermediate package shall be
AGO, ----------------------- 0 to 2
----------------------- 0 to 1
at the option of the contractor and as governed
me, ------------------------ 0 to 2
by the limitations of the containers being used.
MgO ----------- ------- ----- 0 to 1
5.1.3 Level C. Universal joints shall be
Ign Losses ------------------ 0 to 2
preserved and packaged in accordance with
Step 7. Repeat endurance test outlined in
manufacturer's commercial practice.
step 1, phase II.
5.2 Levels of packing.
Step 8. After completion of step 7, the joints
5.21 Level A. Joints, preserved and pack-
shall be subjected to the Torsional play test
aged to meet 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, shall be packed in
specified in 4.4.6, the Tightness and angularity
exterior-type shipping containers meeting
test specified in 4.4.5, and the Friction torque
Specification MIL-B-138, PPP-B-585, PPP-
test specified in 4.4.12. The torsional play
B-591, PPP-B-621, PPP-B-601, PPP-B-686
measured after step 7,phase II shall not exceed
(Type I, Class 3, or Type II, Class 3), or MIL-
times the limit specified in table I.
B-10377. As far as practicable, exterior ship-
4.4.12 Friction torque. A specimen fabri-
ping containers shall be of uniform shape and
cated in accordance with figure 2 shall beheld
size, be of minimum cube and tare consistent
at 71° C. (160° F.) for 160 hours and then oper-
with the protection required, and contain iden-
ated at an angle of 20 degrees for 1 hour at 3
tical quantities. The gross weight of each pack
rpm, while maintaining the elevated tempera-
shall be limited to approximately 200 pounds.
ture. The temperature shall be lowered to
Containers shall be closed and strapped in ac-
55° C. ( 67° F.) for a period of 24 hours,
cordance with the applicable container specifi-
and the joints shall then be operated at an
cation or appendix thereto. Containers shall be
angle of 20 degrees for 1 hour at 3 rpm while
provided with a case liner conforming to Speci-
maintaining the lowered temperature. The
fication MIL-L-10547 and shall be sealed in
friction torque. measured during the lowered
accordance with the appendix thereto. The
temperature test at 20 degrees angularity,
case liner will not be required when the unit,
55° C. ( 67° F.), and 3 rpm, shall not ex-
intermediate, or exterior shipping container
ceed 2 pound-inches. Two joints of each MS
conforms to Specification PPP-B-636, Type I,
size submitted shall be tested.
Class 3, or Type II, Class 3, and is sealed at all
4.4.13 Packaging, packing and marking.
joints and seams, including manufacturer's
Each lot shall be inspected and tested to verify
joint, with tape conforming to Specification
conformance to the requirements of section 5
of this specification.
5.2.2 Level B. Joints, preserved and pack-
aged to meet 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, shall be packed in
domestic-type exterior shipping containers
5.1 Levels of preservation and packaging.
meeting Specification PPP-B-591, PPP-B-
5.1.1 Level A. Universal joints shall be pre-
601, PPP-B-585, PPP-B-621, PPP-B-636, or
served in accordance with Specification MIL
MIL-B-10377. Exterior shipping containers
P-116, Method IA and packaged in containers
shall be of minimum cube and tare consistent
meeting Specification MIL-B-4229 or PPP-B-
with the protection required. As far as practi-
636. Unit quantities shall be as specified by
cable, exterior shipping containers shall be of
the procuring activity.
uniform shape and size and contain identical
5.1.2 Intermediate packaging. Only iden-
quantities. The gross weight of each pack shall
tical items shall be included in an intermediate
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business