4 6.8 Vibration test
Actuator switches shall be subjected to a vibration
test in accordance with MIL-S-8805, except that electrical switches qualified to a
military specification with vibration test requirements do not require additional
4.6.9 Noise Lest. Rotary actuator shall meet the structureborne noise as
specified in 3.4.12 . The maximum allowable one third octave band structureborne
noise level for these test conditions shall not exceed the limits specified . The
noise test shall be conducted with the actuator cycled under no-load conditions
while limiting actuator rotational speed to less than 2 5 seconds per half cycle,
except that linear piston speeds in excess of 12 inches per second are not
While monitoring the broadband vibration level, the peak transient noise produced
when cycling the actuator shall be recorded. For quality conformance, any
actuator that exhibits squealing, grinding, or chattering noises during the run-in
test (see 4.6.2) shall be considered to have failed to meet noise requirements. -
4.6.10 Salt fog test. The actuator shall undergo the salt fog test to
ensure compliance with the requirements specified in 3.6(d), The salt concentra-
tion for the water shall be 5 1 percent. The actuator shall be set-up in its
normal operating mode. The duration of the test shall be 48 hours with a period
of 24 hours wet and 24 hours drying. After completion of testing and cleaning,
the base metal shall not be visible through the coating or finish, nor shall there
be any evidence of corrosion (existence of any visible oxide), peeling, chipping
or blistering. Any evidence of these defects shall constitute a failure of the
test. Approval by similarity may be extended to other actuators from the same
manufacturer that use identical material as the actuator tested.
4 6.10 1 Salt spray test for extremely corrosive environment. The actuator
shall undergo a salt spray or immersion test for verification of compliance with
3 3.1. The actuator shall be subjected to alternating periods of salt spray or
immersions as specified, with equal periods of drying
The periods shall be 3
hours of spray or immersion with 3 hours of drying at room temperature for a total
duration of 48 hours, The saltwater solution shall be the same as required for
the salt fog test (see 4.6 10)
At the completion of the test and cleaning, the
actuator shall be examined externally for the conditions specified in 4.6.10. The
actuator shall then be disassembled and examined internally for evidence of
saltwater entry, corrosion, pitting, or other signs of electrolytic or galvanic
Any of these defects shall constitute a failure of the test
Actuators subjected to this test need not be subjected to the salt fog test
specified in 4 6.10.
4.7 Inspection of packaging. Sample packages and packs, and the inspection
of the preservation, packing, and marking for shipment and storage shall be in
accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents specified therein.
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