internal cylinder bore or piston rod over which packings or
seals must slide shall not be greater than 16 microinches.
(b) Internal moving parts in wearing contact other than as
specified in (a) shall not exceed 32 microinches
(c) Internal nonmoving parts other than parts designed for
applications specified in (a) and (b) shall not exceed 125 micro-
(d) Finished surfaces for either dynamic or static packing or seal
grooves shall be in accordance with the specifications identified
in MIL-STD-2193.
3.7.3 Coatings. External surfaces of non-corrosion resistant metal, with
the exception of threaded areas or machined surfaces in rolling or sliding contact
shall be coated by paint in accordance with MIL-P-24441 as follows.
(a) Grease, oil, and dirt shall be removed from external surfaces
by solvent wiping, vapor decreasing, or caustic washing and
(This does not apply to aluminum parts immediately after
(b) One coat shall be applied in accordance with MIL-P-24441/1
(F150), followed by two coats in accordance with MIL-P-24441/2
(F151), with 2 to 4 mils dry film thickness per coat to produce a
minimum total dry film thickness of 8 roils. Single coats in
excess of 4 roils shall be avoided.
Nameplates shall be provided and mounted on each actuator.
3.8 Nameplates
The nameplate shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-2193
The markings on the
nameplate shall be in accordance with either 3.8 1 or 3.8.2, as applicable.
3.8 1 Markings for category I actuators
The nameplate for category I
actuators shall contain the following information
(a) Specification part or identifying number (PIN) in accordance with
the applicable specification s'beet.
(b) Manufacturer's name, Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code,
part number, and serial number
(c) Relief valve setting, if applicable
3.8.2 Markings for category II actuators. The nameplate for category II
actuators shall contain the following information in addition to that required for
category\ I actuators
(a) Designate as category II after the part identifying number
(b) Rotating angle if not identified by PIN
3.8 3 Markings for caterory III actuators
The nameplate for category III
actuators shall contain the same information as for caregory I actuators except
that there shall be no PIN
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