5.2.1 Level A, Actuators shall be preserved by a fill and i-lush/drain
method that will ensure complete coverage of the movable pares within the
actuator. Actuators shall be rotated to the full operational positions.
Preservative fluid shall meet the cleanliness requirements specified in 5.1.1.
The piston shall be returned to the full retract position and the cylinder filled
with fluid, allowing space for expansion. Ports shall be plugged and detached
parts reassembled to the actuator, Care shall be exercised to prevent contamina-
tion of the actuator during this operation. Exposed bare metal surfaces of repair
parts shall be coated with preservative conforming to P-2 of MIL-P-116. Each
actuator shall be marked as specified in 5 6 2.
5 2.1.1 Wrapping. Exposed preserved surfaces shall be wrapped with barrier
material conforming to grade A of MIL-B-121 or type II of MIL-B-22191. Barriers
shall be secured by heat sealing or pressure-sensitive tape. Wrapped actuators
shall be further cushioned, blocked, or braced and packed for che level specified
in 5.3. Accessories accompanying each actuator shall be individually wrapped and
secured as specified above and consolidated in a fiberboard box conforming to
PPP-B-636, class domestic. Parts shall be cushioned to prevent movement within
the box. Box closure shall conform to method I as specified in the appendix to
the box specification.
Presentation of equipment and accessories shall be in
5.2.2 Commercial.
accordance with ASTM D 3951 to afford protection against contamination, corrosion,
deterioration, and physical damage during shipment from the supply source to the
first receiving activity for immediate use.
5.3 Packing.
Packing shall be level A, B, or commercial, as specified
(see 6 2).
5.3 1 General requirements for level A. B. or commercial. Containers
selected shall be of minimum weight and cube consistent with the protection
required, of uniform size, and contain identical quantities.
5 3.2 Levels A. B, and commercially P reserved. Actuators preserved as
specified (see 5 2) shall be packed in exterior shipping containers in accordance
with MIL-STD-2073-1, table VII of appendix C, for the level of packing specified
(see 5 3)
Unless otherwise specified (see 6 2). container selection including
container options shall be the contractor's option
5 3 2 1 Closure gross weight, and waterproofing.
5.3 2.1.1 Closure
Container closure, reinforcing, or banding shall be in
accordance with the applicable container specification or appendix thereto except
that weather-resistant fiberboard boxes shall be closed in accordance with method
V and reinforced with non-metallic or tape banding and domestic nonweather-
resistant fiberboard boxes shall be closed in accordance with method I using
pressure sensitive tape
Wood, plywood, and wood cleated type containers exceeding
5.3,2 1 2 Weight
200 pounds gross weight. shall be modified by the addition of skids in accordance
with MIL-STD-7073-1 appendix F, or the applicable container specification or
appendix thereto
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