Unless otherwise specified (see 5.2, , level A and
when specified (see 6 2) level B shipping containers shall be Fret'lded with
caseliners. linings, wraps, or shrouds in accordance with the waterproofing
requirements of MIL-STD-1186.
5.3.3 Commercial
Actuators preserved as specified (see 5,2) shall be
packed for shipment in accordance with ASTM D 3951 and herein. Container modification
Shipping containers exceeding 200 pounds
gross weight shall be provided with a minimum of two, 3- by 4-inch nominal wood
skids laid flat, or a skid- or sill-type base which will support the material and
facilities handling by mechanical handling equipment during shipment, stowage, and
5.4 Cushioning. filler. dunnage. and wrapp ing materials.
5.4.1 Level A preservation and levels A and B Packing, Use of all types of
loose-fill materials for packaging and packing applications such as cushioning,
filler, or dunnage is prohibited for materials destined for shipboard installation
or stowage.
5.4.2 Level C preservation and packing. When loose fill type materials are
used for packaging and packing applications such as cushioning, filler, and
dunnage, all containers (unit, intermediate, and shipping) shall be marked or
labeled with the following information-
"Contents cushioned with loose-fill material shall not be taken
onboard ship. Remove and discard loose-fill material. If
required, recushion with cellulosic material, bound fiber,
fiberboard, or transparent flexible cellular material. "
5 4 3 Resistance to fire
Cushioning, filler, dunnage, and wrapping
materials selected, whenever available, shall exhibit improved performance for
resistance to fire
5.5 Palletized unit loads
When specified (see 6 2), containers shall be
palletized in accordance with MIL-STD-2073-1, appendix F
5 6 Marking.
5.6.1 Levels A B, C, anti commercial, In addition to any special marking
required [see 5 6 2) interior (unit) packs, shipping containers and palletized
unit loads be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-2073-1, appendix F, and shall
include bar codes and applicable packaging acquisition requirements as specified
(see 6.2)
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