(a) Technical manuals should be prepared for all standard and
nonstandard actuator models in accordance with MIL-M-15071
type I
(b) When applicable, the manual should incorporate a series of
similar actuators rather than an Individual manual for each
type of actuator.
6 5 First article. When first article inspection is required, unless
specific guidance is provided by the contracting officers to offerors (see 6.2)
the first article item(s) may be a preproduction sample, a first article sample, a
first production item, a sample selected from the first production items or a
standard production item from the contractor's inventory. The contracting officer
should include specific instructions in the acquisition documents regarding the
number of items to be tested (if more than one), arrangements for examinations,
approval of first article test results, and disposition of first articles.
Invitations for bids should provided that the Government reserves the right to
waive the-requirement for samples for first article inspection to those bidders
offering a product which has been previously acquired or tested by the Government
and that bidders offering such products, who wish to rely on such production or
rest, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government approval is
presently appropriate for the pending contract. Bidders should not submit
alternate bids unless specifically requested to do so in the solicitation.
6.5.1 First article and drawing approval. For items which will be used on
U. S. Navy ships, first article and drawing approval by the Hydraulic System and
Component Standardization branch of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA 56W16)
is required. Acquisition activities will not be required to obtain and submit
first article test reports and drawings to NAVSEA when the offeror provides
evidence that the item being offered has been approved by NAVSEA and the offeror
attests that such approval is still valid and has not been rescinded. Any changes
to the revision of a drawing approved by NAVSEA will require resubmittal for
NAVSEA review and approval of the change and any applicable first article test
requirements resulting from the change
Unless otherwise specified in the
contract, drawings and first article test reports may be submitted to NAVSEA by
either the acquisition activity or the offeror
When an offeror wishes to obtain
first article approval on similar items, he may submit a first article test report
for NAVSEA approval in which the number of tests are minimized in order to
eliminate duplicate testing of identical and similar items
6.6 Technical
content requirements for certification/data reports. Results
of the torque test
performed for each operating gauge pressure specified in 4.6.5
should be recorded
The recorded results should be submitted with the certifica-
tion/data report.
Ambient temperatures for all tests should be recorded and
submitted with the
certification/data report,
6 7 Sub-contracted material and parts. The packaging requirements of
referenced documents listed in section 2 do not apply when material and parts are
acquired by the contractor for incorporation into the equipment and lose their
separate identity when the equipment is shipped.
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