(Non-Government standards and other publications are normally available from
the organizations that prepare or distribute the documents. These docments also
may be available in or through libraries or other informational services )
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of
this document and the references cited herein (except for related specification
sheets), the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document,
however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption
has been obtained.
3.1 Specification sheets. The individual rotary actuator requirements shall
be as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable specification sheet.
In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this specification and
the specification sheet, the latter shall govern.
3.2 First article, When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to
the first article inspection (see 6.5) in accordance with 4.3.
3.3 Materials and fabrication. Materials and fabrication shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-2193 and applicable specification sheets. Materials shall
be compatible with the fluid, temperature, service and performance requirements
specified herein,
3.3.1 Materials for extremely corrosive environment. When designated by the
applicable specification sheet or specified (see 6.2), rotary actuators for an
extremely corrosive environment shall be designed with emphasis on avoiding
destructive electrolysis. Direct contact of electrolytically dissimilar metals
shall be avoided
Extremely corrosive environment shall be defined as partial or
complete submersion of the actuator in seawater, or exposure to conditions
conducive for galvanic corrosion.
3.3 2 Recovered materials. Unless otherwise specified herein, all equip-
ment, material, and articles incorporated in the products covered by this
specification shall be new and may be fabricated using materials produced from
recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable without jeopardizing the
intended use
The term "recovered materials" means materials which have been
collected or recovered from solid waste and reprocessed to become a source of raw
materials , as opposed to virgin raw materials
None of the above shall be
interpreted to mean that the use of used or rebuilt products is allowed under this
3 4 Desire.
3 4.1 Design pressure
The rotary actuator shall be designed to the
operating pressure in the applicable specification sheet or as specified (see 6 2,
6 3, and appendix). Unless otherwise specified, the rotary actuators shall be
designed for a rated operating pressure of 20 7 megapascal (MPa) (3,000 pounds per
square inch
gauge) and shall provide the minimum specified ouput torque
at a differential pressure which is two-thirds the rated operating pressure
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